Monday, March 3, 2014

When You Wish Upon a Star, You'll get your second review out! - Pinocchio

2 – Pinocchio

Now this is way closer to what I consider a Disney movie. This is one of the movies that I'm sure I saw as a kid but probably haven't seen since. Even though it was released only a few years after Snow White, Pinocchio is much much deeper in its storytelling and characters. In a lot of ways it's much closer to what Disney was producing decades later. A story with depth, really great fantasy moments and a very clear message.

Beginning with the story, everything is already leagues ahead of Snow White. Where I felt like nothing really happened there, in Pinocchio there are a ton of amazing sequences and great moments. On top of that the music was even better. “When You Wish Upon a Star” is such a classic I don't even think I need to talk about it. Sure, it's overly hopeful and optimistic, but isn't that what Disney should be at it's best?

Pinocchio himself goes through so much character development throughout this movie. He starts off kind of dumb and easy to trick but soon moves on to making the wrong choice all on his own all the way until he finally starts making the right choices all on his own. I did feel sometimes that he was a bit stupid or kind of ungrateful for being brought to life. Especially when poor Geppetto was out in the rain looking for him after Pinocchio decided not to go to school. By the end, though, I really felt like Pinocchio learned his lesson and earned his wish to come true.

Geppetto was a really cool character too. He was exactly what he needed to be. A kind old man who wanted nothing more than a son and really deserved one.

If the story was about Pinocchio then I have to say the Jiminy Cricket was the next one who did the most growing. He started off simply wanting a warm place to live but soon ended up trying to be Pinocchio's own conscience. He had plenty of times when he questioned his abilities but it's pretty clear that he did a pretty good job at the end.

Now, there was one place in, terms of character, that could've possibly been a bit more simplified and that was with the villains. There were something like four villains in the whole story. Now, I don't think any of them were very bad but let's just say I had to look up the wikipedia article later to get them all straight. Honest John and Gideon were pretty standard care more about money type villains who then sold Pinocchio not once, but twice. First, to Stromboli a fat Italian who forces Pinocchio to perform in his marionette show. Then to the Coachman, who I think is much more interesting, who owns and operates Pleasure Island where boys can go and have fun only to turn into donkeys. Finally, there's Monstro, a giant sperm whale who Pinocchio has to rescue Geppetto from at the end of the movie. I'd argue he's more of an obstacle than a real villain though.

The sequence with the coachman on Pleasure Island has to be some of the best scenes from this movie. They could definitely not pull off that kind of message quite that clearly again in modern movies. The idea that doing all those bad things, fighting, drinking, smoking, would turn kids into donkeys is a pretty clever idea. This really reminds me of those old wives tales we hear as kids that kind of help guide kids into making better choices. While it's a bit heavy handed, I think the message of avoiding those things for kids is a good thing.

As for the other themes, I think they’re great as well. The main one for me would be the simple idea of trying to do the right thing. The movie makes it really clear that this is what Pinocchio should be doing even when he continuously keeps going off to do the wrong thing. I really liked that, by the end, Pinocchio was able to finally tell right from wrong and prove that he was brave and not selfish. These are themes that, even 50 years later, are still relevant. There's a reason many of these movies are considered timeless.

I was impressed with Pinocchio. A bit more impressed than I was with Snow White. In just a short time everything from animation to storytelling has gotten better and I'm even more excited to keep going. Tomorrow is going to be something a bit less structured and something I've definitely seen more of as a musician more recently.

2 Down. 51 to go.

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