Monday, March 24, 2014

Please rescue me from mediocrity - The Rescuers

23 – The Rescuers

It's really great when I get to review movies that I end up loving, like Alice in Wonderland or One Hundred and One Dalmatians. It's also not bad when I end up hating a movie like Sleeping Beauty or Melody Time. Those reviews almost write themselves. It's movies like 1977's The Rescuers that really give me problems. The movie isn't terrible but it's nothing really special either.

The story is about a little girl named Penny who gets kidnapped but manages to send a message in a bottle for help. The people, or in this case mice, who find the message are the Rescue Aid Society. The representative of the Society from Hungary, Bianca, volunteers to find and rescue Penny and chooses the janitor Bernard to help her. They then have to find out where Penny is and how to save her from the evil Madame Medusa. The plot is ok. The beginning is actually pretty cool with Bianca and Bernard trying to figure out where Penny actually is. It plays out a bit like a mystery and that's different from what I've seen from Disney before. Sometimes great characters can help an average plot like this really take off.

Unfortunately, one of our characters is Bernard. Bernard is a timid and superstitious janitor and gets chosen, for some reason, by Bianca to help her save Penny. Throughout the movie he has a few moments where he shows he might be braver than he looks. He even seems to be a good person and wants to help Penny and do the right thing. Otherwise he's kind of a boring character. Even though he has the potential for really brave actions he never really has a shining moment to prove himself. I really think his character needed that. This results in feeling like he hasn't changed or grown as a character and that's a shame cause he really has a lot of growing he can do. I usually don't mention the voice actors that play the characters but I have to mention Bob Newhart. I really don't think he did a good job. He just sounded really phoned in and unemotional the whole time. That definitely didn't help me like Bernard.

I did, however, like Bianca. I think she's actually a pretty cool character. She is much more adventurous than Bernard but also wants to help Penny. She is much more sophisticated and just has a more interesting personality than Bernard. Unfortunately, she also doesn't really change or grow during the story either. I also really don't see what she sees in Bernard. I suppose he shows himself to be brave and a good guy every now and then but I just don't really buy their relationship. Bernard just never really proves himself the way I think he should. As far as her voice actor goes, however, I think Eva Gabor did a great job. She was much more expressive and reminds me of one of the few things I liked about The Aristocats which was her performance as Duchess.

So Bernard and Bianca are a bit of a mixed bag. A great villain is always interesting too. Madame Medusa is pretty creepy and wears way too much make up but I don't think she's really anything special. She has her mean comments and keeps some dangerous company, two alligators named Brutus and Nero. Otherwise, she's pretty much the standard Disney villain I've come to expect. Her business partner Mr. Snoops also hangs around but he's just really dumb and doesn't do to much. Medusa's plan is also a bit stupid. She really wants Penny to find the Devil's Eye diamond for her in a pirate's cave only Penny can fit into. I really wonder why they need Penny specifically. Penny comes from New York and they end up going to The Devil's Bayou which I presume is somewhere like Florida. Are there no orphaned children in Florida she can use? Maybe I just missed something? It's just a small nit pick but it bothered me a bit.

Penny wasn't a terrible character though she didn't really get a ton of screen time. She's a little orphan girl who wants to be adopted and is scared that no one would want her. I kinda felt sorry for her so that made me at least want her to succeed a bit. She's also really feisty and tries to escape Medusa on her own a few times. I really liked that she had her brave moments. It makes for a more interesting character. She's also helped by a bunch of other characters who show up but don't really stand out. They don't really get a ton of screen time so I don't feel like they took a lot away from the movie but they could have been a bit more integrated into the story, especially if they were more interesting.

So on top of a lot of bland characters, the animation was really inconsistent for a Disney movie. One example is a scene where Bianca's jacket kept appearing and disappearing between shots. It's just weird when I'm so used to such attention to detail in these movies. The music isn't really great either. The music either didn't really stand out or I actively thought that it was bad at times. The action scenes are actually pretty good but they definitely don't stand out like some of the ones I've seen before.

Overall, the movie is just really run of the mill. It's definitely not the best work Disney has done but it's certainly not the worst. I just didn't really have that special quality that makes movies like One Hundred One Dalmatians stand out. Hopefully tomorrow is a bit better.

23 down. 30 to go.

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