Monday, April 14, 2014

Half Assed Review For A Half Assed Movie - Brother Bear

44 – Brother Bear

The 44th Disney Classic I'll be reviewing is 2003's Brother Bear. The story is about a bratty kis named Kenai who basically ends up getting his older brother, Sitka, killed. Kenai decides to take revenge against a bear that vaguely had to do with those events instead of reflecting that this whole mess was his fault to begin with. His other older brother, Denahi, warns him that doing so would just upset the spirits. Kenai ignores him and goes to kill the bear anyway which, lo and behold, makes the spirits turn him into a bear to teach him a lesson. Denahi finds bear-Kenai and thinks he killed him so he decides to chase him down and get revenge, just like how he told Kenai not to earlier. Kenai meets a young bear cub named Koda and they have to escape Denahi and find a way to turn back into a human.

Kenai, our annoying main character, spends more than half the movie being a stubborn and unlikeable douche. He hates bears and is basically every other cock Disney hero but with absolutely none of the redeeming qualities. He finally learns his lesson after a touching, no wait, really forced montage. I really didn't but it. His older brother Sitka was very wise and kind and basically the standard wise older character we've seen before. I did like that he was willing to sacrifice his life for his brothers but he isn't around long enough for us to get to know him. Dehani is just there for plot and gives Kenai a ton of crap. When he finally shows that he's wise too, he immediately forgets that wisdom and goes after bear-Kenai.

Koda is a young cub who is separated from his mother early on. He wants to get to the Salmon Run which happens to be right by the mountain that Kenai needs to get to. They bond and he, eventually, helps Kenai learn the error of his ways. Also, the bear Kenai killed earlier was his mother but it's ok, he gets over it. Rutt and Tuke are just two really annoying moose comic relief characters. Tanana is a shaman that is basically there just to tell Kenai that Act 3 is gonna be at some mountain and serves no other purpose.

So it's pretty clear already that I did not like this movie, but there were some good things. The animation is great as usual. They had a cool idea in switching aspect ratios and color style from realistic to colorful when Kenai becomes a bear. The idea isn't really that well done but at least it was a good idea. The score of the movie is perfectly serviceable and Phil Collins music was ok, if misplaced.

As for things I didn't like, I'll try to keep this short. This movie feels so absurdly manufactured it's crazy. Every scene is so blatantly obvious about what they're trying to say that it doesn't tell the story in an interesting way. It's downright condescending when they think they have to spell out every single message they're trying to make because they think their audience won't understand. “Funny” scenes are scattered methodically to make sure the kids don't get bored. There are some downright horrendous music with equally idiotic montages. The relationship between Kenai and Koda is central to the movie but Kenai is so absurdly unlikeable that his transformation just feels forced and unrealistic. This all adds up to a movie that feels fake and heartless.

So I really didn't like this one. It sucks too because Disney has dealt with themes like seeing life from another perspective already and they've done it more gracefully and with more heart. They really half assed this movie, plain and simple. It just feels like a desperate attempt to recapture what they had during the renaissance.

44 down. 9 to go.

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